Chris Liu, Lundquist College of Business

Chris Liu

Chris Liu

Associate Professor of Management
Coordinator of the Management Ph.D. Program
Practice Areas: Entrepreneurship, Scientists, Social Influence, Social Networks, Innovation

Faculty bio 

Christopher C. Liu is an internationally recognized expert in the organization of science, innovation, and social networks. He is developing new datasets that merge university funding, scientist careers, and social networks to examine the social and organizational determinants of scientist productivity. Liu is also an expert in how to structure workplace interactions to maximize productivity, particularly in research and development and creative settings. 

Recent Media
Study: Gender gaps persist for female scientists (Inside Higher Ed, May 22, 2024)
Don’t get too comfortable at that desk (The New York Times, Oct. 6, 2017)
Staffing labs for optimal productivity (Science, March 15, 2015)
Your location matters in the office environment, say researchers (Financial Times, May 30, 2014)
Science proves it: The Senate really is junior high (Time Magazine, April 9, 2014)