Housing and Homelessness Experts

University of Oregon researchers can provide expertise for stories on housing and homelessness. 

To talk to a housing or homelessness expert, email Molly Blancett blancett@uoregon.edu

Benjamin Clark, School of Planning, Public Policy and Management

Decision Making on Wildfires, Public Budgeting and Finance, Public Management, Public Administration, Crowdsourcing, Autonomous Vehicles

Claire Herbert, Department of Sociology

Homelessness, Housing, Urban Sociology, Crime/Law, Property, Race, Colonialism

Rebecca Lewis, School of Planning, Public Policy and Management

Land Use Policy, Growth Management, Housing Affordability in Rural Areas, Transportation Planning and Finance, Urban Form, City Planning

Ofer Raban, School of Law

Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Judicial Philosophy

Gerard Sandoval, School of Planning, Public Policy and Management

Immigration, Urban Planning, Undocumented Workers, Immigrant Neighborhoods, Transportation Planning

Judith Sheine, School of Architecture & Environment

Mass Timber Design, Southern California 20th Century Architectural History, Design and Construction Technologies, Housing

Jo Weaver, Department of Global Studies

Medical Anthropology, Global Health, Mental Health, Race, Homelessness, Chronic Diseases, Food Insecurity, Health Disparities, India, Brazil, USA